what have I been doing?
I’ve been trying to work to put some cool widgets in the site but it hasn’t been working so far as I have thought. OK, here what I need.
• Media player plug in for cool FM, Top Radio and few Nepali fm stations
• A play list of my favourite songs where songs could be selected and played
• A place where readers can subscribe for the blog
• A Google search for the site
Well, considering zero knowledge about java script and html text, I am here to set up an advance site. It took hours to figure out the templates for finding link widgets and correcting it. The problem was, when you click the link within the site, the new site doesn’t open in new tab or in new window. All I had to do was add target’_blank’. How would I know that it could only be found in expanded tab of widgets and I had to change it for every link page I’ve.
I have a different blog via Wordpress, I stopped using it as I found it too complicated and the server was too slow to load. As unsuccessful try of loading php and mysql at my computer, I preferred editing the site directly via web, which is obviously the simple way.
Here you see the contrast, without even knowing the basic ABCD, I’m dreaming to write a poem!
Well, after hours of work, I managed my radio links to open in a different tab where you can still enjoy. I hope to figure out the play list thingy too. I hope it’s not so hard as I have already been able to put a single song,
Dj Felix- on the floor, if you listen this song, pls don’t hear the words, just follow the melody!
I know wanna know………
Well, I will stop trying to go to page templates for few days as I have to prepare few reports for school.Quick note:
The newly opened Mo Mo business from a friend is growing rapidlyin Gent!
Here is pic of a plate of Mo Mo I ordered this weekend!
hmmm, lekker!!!
Till next week then,
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